My WLS Journey slideshow

21 May 2005


Things I'm grateful for: (in no particular order, other than how they come to my mind at 12:44 a.m. ) :)

  1. Freedom to express myself
  2. My family
  3. My new precious niece
  4. My soul mate best friends
  5. My friends standing by me
  6. Books
  7. Music
  8. Internet
  9. My car
  10. My job
  11. God's grace
  12. God's forgiveness
  13. God's patience
  14. second chances
  15. third chances
  16. fourth chances :)
  17. 80s music
  18. my musical abilities
  19. my education
  20. my room
  21. my Tivo
  22. my purple microbead pillow, my white noise maker, my eye mask, my ceiling fan - all that make for the perfect sleep
  23. America
  24. my puppy!
  25. my having completed a half-marathon
  26. cross-stitch
  27. movies
  28. chocolate
  29. Cold coke on ice
  30. pizza
  31. MEXICAN food
  32. intimate conversations
  33. candlelight
  34. kisses
  35. hugs
  36. driving
  37. my cell phone
  38. my blog :)
  39. weekends
  40. sleeping late
  41. email
  42. my computer
  43. photos
  44. vacations
  45. laughter
  46. the ability to learn
  47. new friends
  48. hope
  49. dreams
  50. flowers
  51. perfume
  52. fun jewelry
  53. colors! (you know, God could have made the world black and white and we'd never have known the difference)
  54. creation
  55. travel
  56. Harold - helping me step outside of my box
  57. bath products
  58. long hot showers
  59. bubble baths
  60. Italian food
  61. the courage and strength to get out of a horrible marriage
  62. music's ability to inspire me
  63. new experiences
  64. weekends
  65. sleeping in
  66. having nothing to do!
  67. the rush and satisfaction that comes after working out
  68. someone that shares your passion
  69. someone that "gets" you!
  70. growth
  71. cute shoes :)
  72. new clothes
  73. feeling good about myself
  74. my new chi
  75. writing
  76. smiles
  77. gracious people
  78. comfie terry cloth bathrobe
  79. memories
  80. music's ability to take you to another place and time
  81. those that protect me
  82. Friendships that last and last and last
  83. friends that you can act silly with
  84. someone that you can hug so tight it hurts
  85. intimacy
  86. shopping
  87. shopping with money to spend!
  88. coffee
  89. sugar!!!!
  90. being able to eat a yummy dessert without feeling guilty
  91. being a girl
  92. the potential of a family that I dream of
  93. introspection
  94. safety
  95. rest
  96. free time
  97. being able to make money and provide for myself
  98. those that I can turn to for help, counsel, guidance and assistance - those that know what I don't!
  99. my health ( that made #99????)
  100. bedtime (which would be now) :)
My my, we are blessed, aren't we??

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