I recently wrote a friend telling them exactly what happened..what the whole process was like. I thought I'd share that here, for those that may be curious. But, before I do that, I want to share exactly WHY I did this.
I had to write a letter to my surgeon/insurance company stating why I wanted to have this surgery. I've decided to share that letter here. It's quite personal, and pretty intimate, but most will know that I am pretty open, these days especially. To quote an old cheezy Truth song (with different meaning of course), how will they know unless we tell them? Ha..that made me laugh..
Anyway, here's the letter. It was good for me to read again, myself, to keep things in perspective, to remember just why I put myself through this!!
February 3, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been asked to write a letter stating why I am considering gastric bypass surgery. This letter is to explain my reasoning and my weight-loss history to date.
I come from a family of overweight people. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My memories of dieting go all the way back to age 11. This is not a new journey, but one that I have been on my entire life. As a teenager I was approximately 20-30 pounds overweight. As I recall, it seems that I gained approximately 10 pounds a year, with the exception of when I went to college as a freshman and gained 30 pounds. I reached 200 at the age of 23 and 300 at the age of 32.
I cannot count the number of diets that I have attempted, or the number of times that I have attempted each one. With each attempt, I always lost a little weight, but never more than an average of 30 pounds. There were 2 occasions where I lost 40-50 pounds. However, I was never able to keep off the weight that I lost. My dieting would eventually involve me getting discouraged, overwhelmed, defeated, and eventually giving up. I considered surgical intervention for the first time in 1993, but realized that I was not heavy enough at that point. I pursued it again in 2004 or 2005, but my insurance company denied the claim.
Over the years I came to accept myself as I was and began to focus on my positive qualities, my internal characteristics, intelligence, gifts, etc., and did not focus so much on my weight (although the dieting never really stopped). I dated and eventually married a man who did not care that I was overweight and ended up gaining 100 pounds in the decade that I was with him. After our divorce and a new marriage, however, I began to think about having children, only to find myself dealing with infertility. The fertility specialist I was seeing told me that losing weight could only help my fertility. This was a huge wake-up call for me.
I feel that I am at a different place than I was a decade ago when I detested myself because of my weight. I know of many morbidly obese people have an extremely low self-esteem because of their weight. I, on the other hand, have been trying to spend the past 10+ years on focusing on the internal rather than the external. I now have come to an impasse, however, in realizing that I am INDEED a morbidly obese woman. If I am able miraculously conceive a child, I would not want to carry it at my present weight. I also would not want to be a mother in the state that I am in. I would not be able to play with my child as I wanted, be a healthy role model, or have an active life with my child at my current weight. I also know that never in my life have I maintained my weight, but always seem to be gaining. And this is no type of life for a child. I have fears of one day being a home-bound or bed-bound individual, and I certainly would not want to be that type of parent for my child.
I also know that I am blessed after all these years to have ONLY struggled with depression, insomnia, migraines, infertility, low-back pain, and most recently, gall stones. I know that it is only a matter of time that I do have to face the realities of hypertension, diabetes, heart problems, etc. I know that many obese people are not so lucky, and I know that my day will come if I don’t do something.
I want so much more for my life than I have right now. I kind of wonder if I’m feeling like a conjoined twin must feel. They have had that other side of them for so long that they don’t know any different. That is kind of the way my weight has been for me. Prejudices, stereotypes, difficulties with dating, difficulties with intimacy, not fitting in airplane seats and movie seats, wondering if I’m going to fit into the booth in the restaurant.. these are just things I’ve accepted. However, after a close friend having recently had gastric bypass and having wonderful success, it has opened up my eyes to realize that change IS possible. I do not have to accept this part of me. There IS a way out.
My number one motivation for having this surgery is to get healthy so that I can do my best to conceive, carry a child in a healthy manner, and be an active mother and role model for my children. Secondly, I want to be proactive and prevent any long-term health issues that will eventually come as a result of my obesity. Thirdly, I want to be feel better about myself, feel more attractive as a woman/wife and to be able to be more active.
I told someone recently that to me dieting is like someone telling me to walk from Tennessee to California. Gastric bypass is like me still having to walk to California, but someone has given me wings. I know that it is not a miracle cure. I know that I still will have to work my butt off.. I just know that the surgery will make that possible for me. I don’t even try on my own anymore because I KNOW that I will fail. I know that I may lose a little weight, but that I will quit and eventually gain it back. I have done it over, and over, and over, and over.
I know that there is a huge emotional component to my eating and I know that this will not change with surgery. I am currently in therapy, on anti-depressants, and know that the internal work will just begin with surgery. I am committed to being all that I can be. I am committed to working on myself, and seeking help, communicating with others, and finding support. I just need the wings to help me get to the destination..
Thanks for your consideration..