My WLS Journey slideshow

25 March 2006

you're either asleep or you are awake - I'm WAY too complicated!

I had a sleep test performed on me several months ago because I'm just way too tired all of the time. I have trouble waking up in the mornings because I sleep too heavy. I've been thinking about REM cycles and have been wondering if I'm in a REM cycle when it's time for me to wake up in the mornings. I seem to always be dreaming when I wake up (or try to wake up); so if one dreams only during REM cycles, then it would explain why I have trouble waking up if I am the deepest sleep possible...

I was speaking to a friend of mine last night on the phone. I asked him if he knew anything about the different levels of sleep . . . He said he didn't, and wasn't interested in them, and stated, "you're either asleep of you're not" !!! That statement deeply affected me. I'm WAY too darn complicated! That statement summed up who I am. . . There are only really two states - sleep and awake!!! Yet, I seem to have to make it more difficult than that.

I hope that this statement will continue to affect me. I don't have to analyze, I don't have to pick apart, I don't have to wonder. . . True, I'm always going to be me. I don't need to change who I am. Yet I don't have to make things more complicated for me if I don't have to! Life is way too hard as it is. . . Relax a bit, Trace. . . Realize that sometimes things are just as simple as "asleep or not". . .

Thanks to my new friend for this new realization that you didn't even know you provided.

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