My WLS Journey slideshow

24 October 2005

A Breath of Fresh Air

I feel like a new woman today. My sweetheart is off today; what perfect timing. "Providential" as the some would say. His electricity was turned on and he is out shopping for his new home. I wish I could be with him!

I got to see the trailer yesterday. I was suprised at how nice it is. It's rather generic-looking (as are the other 49 or so FEMA trailers next to it), but he will be able to fix it up nicely. The furniture in it is really, really nice.

I am so relieved that my sweet man has been provided for. Thank you, Jehovah Jireh, our provider.

'And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh;
(that is, The Lord will provide).'- Genesis 22:14.

As these two, Abraham and Isaac, were travelling up the hill, the son bearing the wood, and the father with the sad burden of the fire and the knife, the boy said: 'Where is the lamb?' and Abraham, thrusting down his emotion and steadying his voice, said: 'My son, God will provide Himself a lamb.' When the wonderful issue of the trial was plain before him, and he looked back upon it, the one thought that rose in his mind was of how, beyond his meaning, his words had been true. So he named that place by a name that spoke nothing of his trial, but everything of God's provision--

'The Lord will see,' or 'The Lord will provide.'

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