My WLS Journey slideshow

09 September 2005

Friday again

Things are progressing and life goes on. The destruction I've seen and tasted is so small compared to what is going on around us. I continue to be heartbroken and simply numb at times - in utter disbelief of what has happened. My head knows that our Lord is in control, but it can be so hard to believe at times.

All of us went to church together this past Sunday. I struggled with something the preacher said, and my father stated later that he did too. The preacher said that God did not cause this storm. I do know that God is not vindictive and that he did not willfully impose destruction upon us (the pastor's point was that we have storms and trials in life due to the fact that sin entered the world). However, who else controls the weather? No one but him. He is the author of it and the One that controls the winds and the waves. So I just have a hard time making sense of all that. I guess it's just one of those things we'll never understand. Someone enlighten me if you have some wisdom to share in this regard.

I continue to be so proud of my sweetheart. He came home from work all smiles yesterday. I think he's finding a sense of camaraderie amongst the guys he's working with. There seems to be a lightheartedness at work - they are providing a cookout today for all the workers (there are very few of them working on the Gulf Coast right now, it seems). I think he's needed this and I'm grateful for it. Someone that came into the plant yesterday said that he never would have expected to see such a happy bunch of guys. He is a survivor and I am proud of him. I am so grateful that he is in my life. I do adore him so.

No telling what this weekend will be like. There has been a curfew in Hattiesburg, and all of us are trying to conserve our funds. It may be a lazy weekend. I gotta get studying! We now have our cable and high speed internet back... There is no excuse now!

Ok, I better quit for now. I'll try to be better about updating this.. Thanks to all of you who are reading and keeping up...

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