One view of J's apartment complex (the middle and right building are actually top floors from other buildings that have been placed in the road)Today is the first day of work after Katrina's fury. It has been a very trying time. Getting back to work is somewhat refreshing - yet a tad difficult, too. My heart has broken because of all the pain and destruction around me and it's hard to go on - living as I did before the devastation.
Yesterday J and I went to Long Beach. We went to find some of his co-workers and to see the plant where he worked. I think he felt a need to get back and connect somewhat. He was able to connect with his supervisor and one other co-worker. The plant is about 50% destroyed. It will be rebuilt.
We got a pass from the Long Beach fire department to go into his neighborhood. I never imagined it would look the way it did. Someone told J, "anything you see on the news, or hear on the radio... it's worse...". There are marks on doors from where they were in each home looking for bodies. We weren't able to decipher the different marks to tell where there were bodies and were there weren't.
We went into what was his apartment complex and the stench was horrible. We had to climb over two buildings to get to where his apartment was. There is nothing left. For about a square mile, there is nothing but concrete slabs and debris...and silence. The silence was eerie. That was once such a noisy place - and now you could hear the waves from the Gulf a block away.
We were walking slowly, looking through debris two blocks from where J's apartment was. I looked down and saw a perfectly in-tact photo of his son. It was amazing. We found what looked like a suitcase of his in the same location. He opened it up and there was a receipt from when he stayed in a hotel back in June. Those were the only items he took away with him; the photo and the receipt. He was able to find the exact location of his apartment and could find nothing (although his son's toilet was still attached to the floor....pretty interesting).
My heart is heavy. Not for how this storm has affected me; but for how it's affected everyone else. I guess I've watched too much of the news. I see these children without their parents, and think of the thousands and thousands of people who are now homeless; the ones who don't know where their loved ones are. I know I'm one of the blessed. But I hurt for those that aren't so blessed.
I saw a sign yesterday spray painted outside of someone's home. It said: "By the grace of God, the south shall rise again." I pray that it will; I know it will only be by the grace and help of God.