My WLS Journey slideshow

07 April 2007

Very belated entry

Hello friends! This post is LONG overdue. My good friend (and my former most faithful reader; I'm sure she's long given up on me now!) once said that I really only posted when I was unhappy. So I guess these months of silence have been a good thing! It's amazing how much your priorities change when you get married! I don't have nearly as much free time on my hands as I used to!

My days have been very full with working full time, attempting to study full time, learning to be a good wife, learning how to be domestic when I TOTALLY stink at it! I think I'm getting better every day though.

I am loving TN but miss my family and friends a whole lot. It's really amazing how content I am; the only people in my life are my hubby and my sweet dog. I have made no friends yet, however I am strangely content! I know that SAM cannot meet all of my needs and that I will eventually need to meet some folks, but for now, life is great.

I will try to post more often if I can! Hopefully my readers haven't given up on me!

Much love to you all...

Traci M

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't given up! Just glad your back posting again! I totally understand, and I'm glad your happy
Love ya