My WLS Journey slideshow

03 November 2005


Today I'm grateful for:

an evening to myself

a coworker I enjoy working and laughing with


a good hair day

wonderful parents

my work week coming to a close

new friends

people who help me feel good about myself

seeing an old friend

hearing the voice of the one you love

2nd chances

the opportunity and freedom to express myself

the ability to seek knowledge

the hope of financial freedom



comptuer games

getting lost for a while

my electric blanket


thinks that make life easier

cooler weather

my favorite months and seasons approaching



being able to be silly with a friend

calls from old friends

friends who you can pick up with right where you left off - no matter how long it's been

being able to share myself with others

my sweet bf's new home

God's provision for my bf in so many ways

the kindness of a stranger

finally having a room decorated nicely; just the way I like it

people who "get" you

warm slippers

a funny joke

taking a break

a good night's sleep

sleeping in!


wheat thins with vetetable cream cheese

Krispy Kreme pumpkin spice donuts (only around this time of the year! get 'em while you can! hee hee...)

my hair is finally growing!


someone with a gentle spirit

people who are examples for us to follow

my sweet dog, Pepper

hugs from my mom

laughs and silly talk with my dad

my precious niece (I cannot believe she is almost 9 months old!!!)

a car that runs well

my brother has a great job that has recently been provided for him

saving for a rainy day

my few moments of being organized


God's grace


my sweet bf


great friends

what could be better?

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