My WLS Journey slideshow

14 August 2005

I'm still here!

Hello friends and neighbors. Yes, I am still alive... It's been almost two months since I've posted! Yikes! I've had so very much going on though...

I've started school! I am officially a student at M-TEC, an online school for medical transcription. I have wanted to pursue this for about a year now and am so excited about it!

I am still with my sweet JBS! We've been together for three months now and I completely adore him. We spend every weekend together. He makes me laugh, and listens to me, and talks to me and is so AVAILABLE... Which is something I've needed for years. I honestly have not been in a relationship like this since I was 19 years old. You know that one that you shouldn't have let go? (doesn't everyone hav
e one like that?) J is my second chance. I completely adore him and am so grateful that he is a part of my life.

My days pretty much consist of work, study and JS. I'm trying to maintain a balance (which is ALWAYS a struggle for me) and concentrate on my health as well, in addition to my family and my friends.

I am off to study a little more before bedtime, but wanted to touch base with the 'ole blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, Traci! - Tracy Ross