My WLS Journey slideshow

03 May 2007

Update on JBS

J wrote me several weeks ago to let me know that it wasn't cancer after all. Thanks to all who remembered him! What a blessing...

Perfection not needed

Striving for excellence motivates you;

striving for perfection is demoralizing.

Harriet Braiker

I LOVED this quote today; and desperately needed it just today, as I've been beating myself up for the past 20 minutes. I seem to strive for perfection; why, I have NO clue. But I realized (through the help of the FlyLady) that, many times, people who are "lazy" are actually perfectionists. At first I thought that was crazy, and then it made a heck of a lot of sense to me. It's like, "If I can't do it perfectly, then why try?".

Well, I know that I'm getting lots better. I know that I'm becoming more domestic every day. I know that I'm becoming a better wife every day. And the silly mistake that I made today? I haven't made it in a long time… So, as the old song says, "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again"…

Be gracious towards yourselves, friends…And I will strive to do the same!