My WLS Journey slideshow

28 July 2006

I Believe I Can Fly!

No, it's not the cheezy song I'm referring to. It's the FlyLady!! Have you heard of her? This woman is giving me hope!

It's so weird because because although I am very nurturing and long to be a great wife and mother, I SUCK at housework, cooking, and EVERYTHING domestic! I rarely make a bed, clean my surroundings or cook anything. I have always detested this part of myself. But the FlyLady is giving me hope! She basically just takes all the regular chores and just turns them into tiny baby steps. One little thing at a time. Before too long, you are FLYING and managing your home!

This has given me hope and a jump in my step. There is hope for me. Maybe SAM is not doomed to living in a messy house and never being fed! Maybe my future kids will live in a peaceful home environment. There is hope for even one like me. Thank you FlyLady!

Taming the Inner Brat


  • Is your sink always full of dirty dishes?
  • Is your car in the driveway because it won’t fit in the garage?
  • Are you late a lot?
  • Are your credit cards out of control?
  • Do you love animals?
  • Are you afraid of some of the stuff in your fridge?
  • Do you like surprises?
  • Is your laundry backed-up?
  • Are you creative?
  • Are you overweight?
  • Do you scrounge for receipts on April 14?
  • Do you like pretty things?
  • Do you love life in spite of the mess you are in?
  • Do you like to please?
  • Do you use the “but” word?
  • Do you like celebrations?
  • Are you still paying for the gym you don’t go to?
  • Do you love children?
  • Is it hard for you to say, “NO?”
  • Are you spontaneous?
  • Do you “over-goal?”
  • Are you always looking for your keys?
  • Are you afraid of your mailbox?
  • Are you often over-drawn?
  • Are you a procrastinator?
  • Do you have too much stuff?
  • Do you like decorations?
  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • Do you love to play?
  • Do you know WHAT to do, but don’t do it?

I have found yet another wounderful resource -

Learn how to ambush your immature thoughts
with the compassion and love of a wise parent.

Pam Young’s PhilosophyTo teach, with a lighthearted spirit, how to be firm, consistent, encouraging and loving with yourself. Welcome to Brat Reform School (BRS) where our motto is, If it isn’t fun, it won’t get done! The current curriculum is HOW TO GET ORGANIZED and it’s a home study course.BRS is the only school of its kind in the universe, because it is mandatory that both the child and the parent attend. The curriculum is designed not only to teach the adult practical strategies for getting organized, but also to teach the adult how to handle the inner child that has been causing the CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) in her life.

At home with friends

i am so grateful for my precious friends
my friends who don't judge me, who don't condemn me
who take me as I am
knowing that I'm not all I need to be
but know that they aren't either
and this life is a process
and that I'm getting better
and getting stronger
and knowing that there is a God
who is in control
who is molding me and shaping me
even now
even as I am

imagine you are tired
and have had a long day
and you finally arrive home
and have no responsibilities
and can kick off your shoes
the temperature is perfect
the house is quiet
your are at home
you are at peace
you are at rest

this is the feeling I get with my friends
my friends who love ME
and not a preconceived notion of what I should be
THIS is where I am
and they are ok with that
because they love ME

what would I do without you, friend???
how could i make it without people like you in my life??

others bind and constrict me
hinder my growth
hamper my spirit
make me sad
make me want to run

i will grow
i will be better

for now, i am ok
because of you

and am so grateful
for you

my at-home friends

26 July 2006


In all that you are
and in all that I am when I am with you

Settling in. . .
The comfort. . .

Finally at home

How grateful I am

That in this big world
we found each other -
that you found me

Helping me along
Giving me strength
Giving me courage
Speaking the truth in love

Feeling at home
so grateful for who you are!

So hopeful of what will be
so comfortable
and so at peace

So grateful for who you are
for who I am with you
and for all that we will be

Thank you, oh maker of Love
for bringing this gift to me.

Thank you, sweet SAM
for all that you are
for all that I am with you
and for all that we will be

I will never be the same
after such a precious gift

Beautiful Girl

beautiful girl
hold your head up high

don't believe their lies

the hurtful words they speak

your value, your worth
is more than gold

you are precious
unlike any other

so many gifts to give
to share with the world

hold your head high
be proud of who you are

speak the truth
of the value inside

don't let them tear you down
or wound the precious girl inside

be brave
be strong

rejoice in all that you are

beautiful girl

be strong
be brave

you are unlike any other,
beautiful girl
Do the things you know, and you shall learn the truth you need to know.

-Louisa May Alcott

25 July 2006

The Woman Who Was Too Big For God

The Woman Who Was Too Big For God
by Shannon O'Donnell

She was big. No question about it. Size 12 feet. Broad hips. Big belly. Generous breasts. Wide shoulders. Big smile too. Even her voice was big, her laughter full and rich, capable of filling an auditorium. Some things fit, most didn't. She searched for chairs without arms, hard to find in most places where the chairs cut into her back and sides. She eyed every couch before she sat down, gauging its worthiness and her ability to rise gracefully from it. She asked for seat belt extensions and the window seat when she flew so her bulk wouldn't intrude too much on her neighbor. Once, when she traveled to Europe, she was stuck in the middle of five seats in the middle section of the plane. The whole long trip, she sat with her arms folded across her stomach and tried not to take up too much room. She woke up, every now and then, and from the looks of the people around her, she knew her snore was big enough to drown out the sound of the movie. She took up space. Lots of it. She was too big for most rooms, she thought, and so she found ways to be on the edges, not in the center, as if people wouldn't notice.

She was big. Too big for most clothes, especially the pretty ones with sparkles and beads and ribbons. She hadn't worn regular shoes for years, and the thought of her feet in dancing shoes left her laughing.

She was big. Bigger than almost anyone she knew. Her hug was huge, two strong arms that could wrap around and hold a person close and be warm, safe, whole. She was a great big pillow to cry into, one that held all the tears until you were done crying. Her friends would tell you she had a heart as big as the prairies.

She told big stories. Outrageous stories about old ladies who ran away from home and went to summer camp or sent postcards from their travels around the country. She told jokes, funny ones and stupid ones and ones that made you think for a whole day before you laughed.

There was a secret the big woman knew, something she didn't tell anyone. She didn't even tell herself very often because it hurt to hear the words. "I'm too big," she'd whisper, "too big for God. Even God doesn't have arms big enough to hold me." And then that great and big and gentle woman would cry. And her tears were just like her- big and gentle and they washed over her face and splashed down into her lap.

A giant hole in her heart opened one day. Nothing filled it. Nothing healed it. It just ached. And there wasn't much she could do about it. She thought for a long time that it didn't matter. It was really okay that God was too small. But lately it wasn't okay. Lately she was no longer satisfied to let God off the hook. Either God was God, and capable of being big enough for her, or they could just call it quits right here and now.

"You're not too much for me," God said. "Where did you ever get that idea?"

"I don't fit," the woman said. "It's not just my body size. I just don't seem to fit into the picture."

"Tell me more," God coaxed.

"Haven't you ever noticed," she asked, "that in all the pictures I'm the one just out of camera reach. My body doesn't all make it into the picture."

God nodded.

"But my life doesn't fit either. It's not like the lives of my friends. I don't fit inside a marriage. I don't fit into my work. I'm too big for people who want to follow all the rules."

"And what's wrong with that?" God asked. "Who told you that you had to fit those pictures?"

"But you said---" she started to say.

"I did no such thing. Never. Now, granted, some significant people in your life may have claimed I demanded that, but I'm here to tell you that I never did."

"So why don't I fit?" the woman asked.

"Oh but you do!" laughed God. "Oh, my dear, you do!"

The woman folded her arms across her chest and frowned. "You're not taking this very seriously," she complained. "You have no idea how it feels."

"Oh, don't I?" God chided. "You, my love, are as grand and glorious as all the Rocky Mountains, as huge and wide as the oceans. You are as big as a house-rattling storm that shakes the teeth of the people inside. You are like a giant earthquake and as dazzling as fields swamped by flowers. You are the embodiment of outrageous, silly, lavish grace. You, of all people, you are not puny."

She studied God, puzzled. "So, what you're saying is..."

"What I'm saying, dear heart, is that with you I do things in a big way." And God chuckled.

The woman chewed her lip. "It's not enough," she said finally.

"Only because you've been hiding outside the frame of the picture," said God. "Look, people pack up their cars and travel for miles to see real mountains, not those puny little hills on the East Coast that they pretend are mountains. No, I'm talking about the big ones! The Rockies. The Sierras. Big mountains like Rainier and Shasta. These people drag along their cameras and their video recorders and they spend all their time taking pictures. And you know what?"


"They go home. They drop off the pictures to be developed and they do the laundry. A week or two later, they remember to pick up the pictures. They shuffle through them, try to remember where they were the day that picture was taken, and who took this strange shot? They complain about the color. And the flatness of the picture is nothing like what they saw those few weeks ago. Then they toss the envelope of pictures into a drawer and forget about them."

"So?" she prompted.

"So, they never saw the mountains, all those vast giant beauties I created. They settle for puny reproductions and wonder why everything else in their lives is so flat and stale. You are like those mountains, huge and grand and glorious. People who see you only through the camera's lens will not know your beauty. How could they? They have forgotten how to see."

God raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Now you, you in your body, can you forget how big you are?" God asked.

She looked impatient. "No, you know that! How could I forget? It's always there, always a part of how I move around in the world."

"Do you ever feel small? Flat? Puny?" God was grinning at her.

She stuck out her tongue. "Hell, no!"

"Then you're seeing the real beauty, not some camera's reproduction. And there are no edges to the picture. You always fit."

"Yeah, but, . . ." her voice trailed off.

"I'll tell you a secret. I like doing things in a big way, so people will notice, pay attention, wake up. You're one of my best surprises." God reached for her and spun her around and danced a wicked tango with her.

"You know," the woman said when the dance was over and a huge moon hung over the horizon, "you're a lot taller than I thought you were."