My WLS Journey slideshow

28 April 2006

it's me

To go to the depths
To the depths of me
of all that I am

To know
to be content
to present myself
to others
to be assured

this is me
this is who I am
don't like it?
too bad; so sad
it's me

with no apologies
it is me

Going down
getting closer every day
to the true me

no tradition
no rules
no expectations
no pleasing

just me

not for you
but for me


all i am
and all i can be


it's me

to the depths i will continue to dive
alone or with help
it's a journey
a mission

that will be accomplished
i must

i must know what is there
what i will find

i must continue to seek

for it's me

and it's all i got


To the Depths

25 April 2006

Why people get married

I heard this wonderful quote last night in the movie Shall We Dance. It brought tears to my eyes so I wanted to share....

We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'.

Isn't that beautiful? So beautiful it doesn't even need an image to go with it! :)

Blessings today, friends...

17 April 2006

Right-sided people

I haven't written in weeks. My most faithful reader has complained. So here you are sweet friend!

As you can see, this post is entitled "right-sided people". The topic has nothing to do with what any of you would think. It has nothing to do with politics or nothing to do with anyone that has an agenda. It has to do with an enlightening subject that someone just informed me of last week.

Take a piece of paper and draw two columns vertically. In the left column, list people who are very "good" for you. People that encourage you, accept you, challenge you, boost you up, make you be a better person, etc. On the right side, list people who don't encourage you; people who are negative, who make you feel bad about yourself, etc. Now, cross out the entire right hand column. These people do not matter! Now, in the grand scheme of things, they are still human beings that we should be decent and kind to. But as far as our mental health, our well being, our emotional state, they do not matter.

This was so enlightening for me. I have people in my right hand column that I just give WAY too much value. I allow them to make me angry, or make me cry. I am giving them way too much power. I need to focus more on my "left-sided" people who are SO good for me. I am blessed to have quite a few in this column. The others just don't matter.

I've always wanted it to be like water on a ducks back with these people. I've wanted what they said to just roll off of me. But I never could figure out how to make that happen. Now I think I know.

I'm so grateful for enlightening moments like these. I pray that I will keep my "right-sided" people where they belong. On the right side of my column with an X penciled through there names.

Right-Sided People Image

You all know that I've GOT to have an image
that goes with my post!!!
These are the words of the right-sided
people in my life...
Rolling off of me...

Do I sound cruel?
I think I have just got to be determined
in my personal growth and
be straightforward about the things
that are good for me and the things that aren't.
Any feedback would be much appreciated!